Student Life Achievement Awards | 2021

14 2021 NOMINEES FOR Executive of the Year Karen S. Grosby, Ed.D.—College of Psychology Karen Grosby is the dean of NSU’s College of Psychology, formerly the Center for Psychological Studies. She has more than 30 years of experience in higher education administration, including academic and student affairs. Most recently, she served on the board of Women In Distress. Grosby led the development of new programs in counseling, forensic and general psychology, and school psychology. Nine college programs meet professional accreditation standards. Core values are an integral part of the activity of college faculty and staff members and students. Clinical programs and those involving research require great integrity to meet the ethical and legal standards of the disciplines. Community—the pressing needs of society and the professions— is a hallmark of college activity. She fosters a student-centered approach, critical to training diverse and competent students. Elaine M. Wallace, D.O.—Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine Elaine M. Wallace, D.O., M.S. 4 is the dean of the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM). She has worked at NSU since 2000 and has been dean of KPCOM for the past five years. She is the recipient of multiple awards, including most recently the • Nova Southeastern University President’s Award for Excellence in Community Service • NSU HPD Morton Terry Founders Award • Broward Community and Health Centers Inc. Trailblazer Award • Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine Board Chair Award • Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award She has also received 11 Professor of the Year Awards, including being a Stuey finalist in this category. Wallace believes in holistic, collaborative medicine and is proud to represent a college of physicians, nutritionists, therapists, researchers, students, and other health care professionals who provide “mind, body, and spiritual” care to American and global patients. Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D.—Executive Office Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D., is the executive director of the NSU Writing and Communication Center (WCC); faculty coordinator for first-year experience (FYE); and professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts. Dvorak has been with NSU since 2011, and he is incredibly proud to have collaborated with university leadership, faculty members, and students to develop the WCC. The WCC employs more than 70 staff members who provided 10,000+ writing consultations to NSU students in 2020, in addition to offering numerous workshops and other events. Dvorak was also involved in helping revise the FYE curriculum and revamping the professional development program for new and returning instructors. He notes that all of this work is focused on developing stronger student-centered academic and cocurricular opportunities for students to help them achieve academic excellence. Beth Welmaker, M.S.—Facilities Management Beth Welmaker has worked within the NSU Facilities Management Department for five years and thoroughly enjoys her role as the executive director of environmental health and safety. This past year, she had the opportunity to serve the NSU community with COVID-19 response efforts and COVID-19 case management. While it has been incredibly challenging to navigate the pandemic, it has provided Welmaker with the opportunity to see the NSU community come together in a powerful way—living out the NSU Core Values daily. Welmaker has been driven by her desire to solve problems, communicate openly, assuage fears, and turn the tide on this pandemic. She especially enjoys engaging with our students—who she says are truly talented, intelligent, and fun! Welmaker is an active member of the safety and health organization, CSHEMA.