Speech Language Pathology Brochure

24 | Speech-Language Pathology MESSAGE FROM THE HPD CHANCELLOR NSU’s Health Professions Division (HPD) is playing a pivotal role in leading the university to new levels of excellence. The division comprises eight distinctive colleges—osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, optometry, medical sciences, dental medicine, health care sciences, nursing, and allopathic medicine—that offer more than 60 degree and certificate programs. We have seen the university reach many milestones recently. In September 2017, NSU received the largest philanthropic gift in its history from physicians Dr. Kiran C. Patel, M.D., and his wife, Dr. Pallavi Patel, M.D., which included a $50-million gift and an additional $150-million real estate and facility investment in Clearwater, Florida. Then, in January 2018, the Patels provided additional gifts totaling close to $30 million, while a substantial contribution from longtime donors Ron and Kathy Assaf led to the college of nursing being named in their honor. The altruistic trend continued in Febru- ary 2018, when an important gift from Martin and Gail Press resulted in the naming of the HPD Library. In October 2017, our allopathic medicine (M.D.) college received preliminary accredi- tation. As a result, the college gained approval to begin interviewing and accepting its inaugural class of 50 students in August 2018. Finally, construction commenced on the HCA East Florida hospital that will be located adjacent to the HPD complex on NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. These exciting developments will ensure that our students receive a well-rounded education at an academic institution that prides itself on being dynamic, innovative, and interprofessional in its academic approach. Frederick R. Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D. HPD Chancellor, Special Projects