Speech Language Pathology Brochure

Nova Southeastern University | 21 5. official Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores 6. complete current résumé or curriculum vitae documenting professional experiences and continuing education activities, professional affiliations, publications, and/or presentations (supporting documentation of continuing education, publications, and/ or presentations recommended) 7. two letters of recommendation from individuals (e.g., employees; faculty members; and professional, in-field colleagues) who can attest to the applicant’s ability to be successful in doctoral studies Applicants may submit letters of recommendation, current résumés or curriculum vitae, and Certification of Clinical Competence either through the online application system or to the address below. All remaining documentation must be sent to Nova Southeastern University Enrollment Processing Services (EPS) Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences SLP.D. Admissions 3301 College Avenue P.O. Box 299000 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33329-9905 ✔ TIP Transcripts can be sent electronically from the originating college/university to electronictranscripts@nova.edu . INTERVIEW Completed applications are reviewed by the Committee on Admissions, and invitations are extended for a personal interview to those applicants applying for the SLP.D. degree program who meet the initial admissions criteria. Interviews for the SLP.D. degree program are scheduled with a member of the Committee on Admissions and are held on the telephone. Virtual interview media is available if necessary. An interview is part of the application process; however, an interview is not a guarantee of admission. If the applicant is to be offered an interview, the Office of Admissions will notify the selected applicant of the date and time. If, at any time, an applicant wishes to withdraw his or her application from consider- ation, he or she is to do so in writing to HPD Admissions. COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS All applicants must show evidence of computer skills, through coursework or self-study, prior to the end of the first term. Students may obtain instruction through the NSU Student Microcomputer Laboratory or other training facilities.