Speech Language Pathology Brochure

12 | Speech-Language Pathology Tuition is posted online at healthsciences.nova.edu/slp/masters . All tuition and fees are subject to change by the board of trustees without notice. ANNUAL FEES Health Professions Division general access fee $145 NSU student services fee $1,500 SEMESTER FEE Registration fee $30 Students accepted into the program are required to submit a $500, nonrefundable deposit in order to hold a seat in the class. Applicants accepted prior to two months before the start of the semester for which they are accepted will have 30 days to pay the deposit. Applicants accepted within two months of the start of the semester for which they are accepted will have two weeks to pay their deposit. M.S. IN SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY TUITION AND FEES PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE Students are provisionally admitted to a degree-seeking program based on a review of unofficial transcripts or other specific program admission requirements. However, this admission includes a condition that final and official transcripts, documents, and requirements must be received within 90 calendar days from matriculation. If these final and official transcripts, documents, and/or requirements are not received by that time, the student will not be allowed to continue class attendance. Financial aid will not be disbursed to a provisional/conditional student until he or she has been fully admitted as a regular student. (All admissions requirements have been approved by the college/program admissions office.) Students who have an unpaid balance 30 days from the start of the term will be assessed a $100 late fee.