Student Organization Handbook 2023-2024

7 The Student Activity Fee Accounts Office manages these organization accounts and provides policies and procedures. Please refer to the Student Activity Fee Accounts Office Manual for detailed instructions on reimbursements and funding requests, available at HONORS ORGANIZATIONS Funds allotted to your organization are from the Shepard Broad College of Law operating budget and are subject to NSU policies and procedures. The finances of NSU Trial Association (NTA) and Moot Court will be managed by the director of trial advocacy. Leadership of the Journal of International and Comparative Studies (JILCS), and Nova Law Review will be contacted by the Law School’s Office of Finance and Administration during the fiscal year (typically late September or early October) and instructed to submit budget requests for the following fiscal year. In addition to listing the organization’s anticipated expenses in requests, all other sources of funding must also be included. This includes funding from national organizations, receipt of local dues, approved fundraising, or any other source of funding. Organization leaders can check with the business administration coordinator regarding the availability of any donations made to an organization. Organizations must carefully plan how budgets are going to be spent each year. Leadership must select the events that must be attended or the number of volumes to be published, then divide, with the faculty adviser’s approval, the organization’s budget accordingly. If too much is spent on one of these events or the printing of one volume, funds will be limited for other uses. Luncheons, banquets, cost of trophies, etc., must be planned for and have promotional funds allocated for each year. Transferring funds between account codes within the organization’s budget must first be approved by the director of trial advocacy, the organization’s faculty adviser, the dean of students, and the director of finance and administration. If your funds are not managed by the director of trial advocacy, should you need information regarding your expenditure and account balances available, please contact the Office of Finance and Administration..