Student Organization Handbook 2023-2024

6 organization has completed the required training. Please find the student activity fee fiscal year timeline in Appendix. Honors organizations secure funding through NSU Law’s Office of Finance and Administration. These organizations are funded each academic year from the law college’s budget. It is imperative that organization leadership liaise with the Office of Finance and Administration for updated information pertaining to reimbursements, payments, and expenses. The assistant dean for finance and administration will hold a mandatory training for all honors organizations treasurers and presidents. FACULTY/STAFF ADVISERS AND THE FINANCIAL APPROVAL PROCESS Every student organization must have a faculty/staff adviser, and each organization is required to notify the dean of students with the name of their current adviser. Students should confer with their organization’s adviser frequently, as the adviser’s experience and guidance is invaluable. Faculty advisers should be reasonably informed and involved in everything organizations do, including, but not limited to, selection of competition coaches; all fundraising activities; and all expenditures for travel, supplies, etc. Faculty advisers must approve an organization’s of $500 or more. Reimbursements of expenditures less than $500 may be submitted without adviser approval. ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR The budget for the fiscal year starts July 1 and ends on June 30. Revenue and expenses should be recorded during this period to count in a given fiscal year. Any item received after June 30 will be recognized in the following fiscal year. It is your responsibility to submit all expense reimbursements in a timely fashion. SBA-FUNDED ORGANIZATIONS For nonhonors/SBA funded organizations, funds are distributed through NSU Law’s SBA. Funding is then administered through the Office of Student Affairs. Please submit your fund requests to the president and the treasurer of the SBA (typically mid to late August).