Student Organization Handbook 2023-2024

3 STUDENT ORGANIZATION WEB PAGE NSU Law offers web pages to promote the mission and good work of your organizations. For the sake of uniformity and clarity, each page will follow a template. Please keep your web page current by providing the organization’s purpose/goals/ objections, a photo of your members/e-board, and a high-resolution logo for your organization. Please note, all logos must be approved by NSU marketing. The organization president (or designee) must review the organization’s web page prior to September 1 to keep the content, adviser, and board members current. Also, provide a membership link for paying membership dues. This should be done through NSU’s Marketplace. Please send all updates to Outreach and Engagement at FACULTY MEMBER/ADMINISTRATOR ADVISERS Each organization must have a full-time faculty member or administrator assigned as an adviser. However, students reserve the right to request a change in adviser, if the adviser fails to, or is unable to, carry out the assigned duties effectively. The duties of an adviser include, but are not limited to, providing overall direction and guidance for the organization. Organizations should confer with their advisers frequently, as an adviser’s experience and guidance is invaluable. Responsibilities of an Adviser Include • assisting in planning programs, especially when identifying speakers for panels and other such program activities • meeting regularly with officers and board members • resolving conflicts between members • reviewing requests for funds for availability and appropriateness of funding requests • overseeing the treasurer to ensure accurate budgeting and record keeping • auditing the student organization account • enhancing continuity of the organization by orienting new officers and members • serving as liaison between the organization and the College of Law administration It is recommended that advisers attend student fee account training found at Advisers will be a responsible part of the process of auditing the student organization account at the end of the term.