Student Organization Handbook 2023-2024

9 After completion of an NSU Law-sponsored trip, the following procedures are required for reimbursement to occur (please allow at least 30 business days to fully process a reimbursement request). Please be aware that PAN SGA has grant money available for student travel through a Professional Development Grant. Grants are awarded per semester. Please see NSU’s website for updated information. Instructions for Reimbursement After Traveling 1. There are dollar limits on travel reimbursements (meals, tips, taxes, cabs, mileage, phone calls, etc.) and expense reimbursements. Travel Policy funding llimits can be found in the Appendix. 2. There are deadlines on the submission of travel and expense reimbursements. Reimbursement forms must be submitted within 30 days of completion of each trip to ensure that the expenses may be processed before the end of the fiscal year on June 30. 3. Each traveler must submit itemized and proof of payment receipts for all meals and reimbursable expenses—such as transportation costs (gas, toll, or parking) and lodging—that are paid for on the trip to the student coordinator in the administration suite. Please place original receipts in an envelope and include name, mailing address, NSU N number, NSU email, and phone number. 4. Each travel arrangement for airfare, hotel, and car rental will be emailed to each traveler (the travel reimbursement policy will be included). This requires listing the daily expense, including hotel and meals. The maximum daily limit for meals is $50 a day, tips are 20 percent maximum of the subtotal, and applicable taxes are calculated based on the location. Taxes and tips should be shown as a separate line item. 5. Alcohol is not covered. 6. Only itemized and proof of payment receipts are eligible for reimbursement. Credit card receipts and hotel bills listing only the total amount spent are not acceptable.