2014-2015 Grad School of Computer and Information Sciences Viewbook

7 www.scis.nova.edu | Jacob Maynard is using technology to improve the way we live. He is currently a senior software engineer at Citrix Systems, delivering and maintaining software that allows employees to work from anywhere using any device. Establishing a mobile workplace is just one way the 32-year-old is helping our society evolve and move into the future. He also wants to create self-sustainable homes. The innovative thinker dreams of creating smart homes and programs that will decrease our dependency on power sources. “I want to get people off the grid. My goal is to one day create the software that will give families the power to self-sustain their homes.” With a wife and three children, Maynard knows how difficult it is for families to succeed today. Maynard, who received his M.S. in Information Security in 2008 from GSCIS, became interested in software engineering and development while he was working at Citrix. In order to move into that area of the industry and move up in his career, he needed a master’s degree in computer science. He chose NSU’s GSCIS both for its location and program flexibility, but also because he was able to transfer some credits from his 2008 master’s degree to the new program. Using the program’s blended format, Maynard was able to take some of the more challenging courses on campus, while taking other courses online. “Having the option to attend class on campus or online helped me to balance everything on my plate.” It also meant both Maynard and his wife could continue to attend school at the same time. “Neither of us had to put work or school on hold. If I needed to be on campus or online, she watched the kids and vice versa. I wouldn’t have had that opportunity at another school.” He credits his ability to successfully balance full-time work, school, and family to the flexible program format at GSCIS. He also gives his wife credit. “She made a lot of sacrifices, but we both knew it was worth it.” Since getting his M.S. in Computer Science in 2011, Maynard has received two promotions. “My application to be a senior software engineer was contingent on completing my degree.” Maynard hopes to continue to advance his career at Citrix. “I’ve always believed that you are where you want to be. Thanks to NSU, I am on the way to where I want to be.” “I’ve always believed that you are where you want to be. Thanks to NSU, I am on the way to where I want to be.” —Jacob Maynard