2014-2015 Grad School of Computer and Information Sciences Viewbook

19 www.scis.nova.edu | When software engineer Dung Mai was considering graduate schools for his Ph.D., he realized there were only two schools for him in the United States that offered a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He chose NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, even though the school was more than 3,400 miles away from his hometown of Seattle, Washington. “I could have attended a school much closer to where I was living and working, but I would have had to quit my job to be on campus,” said Mai. Leaving his full-time job with Boeing wasn’t an option for Mai, especially since Boeing was contributing to his Ph.D. “I needed a program that was flexible, one that would let me keep working.” Four times a year, Mai attended three-day weekend cluster sessions on NSU’s main campus in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. During those sessions, he was able to connect with fellow students and faculty members. “NSU’s program was accessible, even though I lived so far away, and the cluster sessions gave me the opportunity to have one-on-one time with my professors.” Working while getting his Ph.D. meant Mai could take the innovative techniques he was learning and apply them directly to his work. “The classes were relevant, and I was able to go from the classroom on Friday to the office on Monday and use what I had learned.” Mai feels confident his Ph.D. will continue to take him to new heights. “Having my Ph.D. will open up more opportunities for me in the future, whether that is advancing within a company or securing a position at a new company.” “NSU’s program was accessible, even though I lived so far away, and the cluster sessions gave me the opportunity to have one-on-one time with my professors.” —Dung Mai