2014-2015 Grad School of Computer and Information Sciences Viewbook

15 www.scis.nova.edu | Armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems and little experience, Jessica Sachs found it difficult to secure employment in the six months following her undergraduate graduation. “I didn’t have the right experience.” To make herself more marketable to employers and increase her knowledge, she decided to pursue a graduate degree. During a trip to South Florida to visit her grandparents, Sachs discovered Nova Southeastern University’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences. She visited the main campus in Fort Lauderdale and met with Eric Ackerman, Ph.D., dean and associate professor at GSCIS, to learn more about the Master of Science in Management Information Systems degree program. After the meeting, Sachs felt confident she found the right school. “I liked what I learned about the program, and meeting with Dr. Ackerman really solidified my decision. I still keep in touch with him.” She was so sure that NSU was the place for her that she didn’t apply to any other schools. “It all just seemed like a natural fit for me, and it meant that I would be able to spend time with my grandparents.” By taking classes in a blended format, Sachs was able to focus on two courses at a time. “Getting my master’s degree took a little more than a year, but I was able to work while I got my degree.” In addition to increasing her marketability, Sachs’ master’s degree put her above some of the other candidates she was competing against to land her first job. After graduating in 2007 with an M.S. in Management Information Systems with a concentration in the Administration of Information Security, Sachs returned to her home state of North Carolina and landed a position as a SQL programmer. “What I learned in the classroom gave me the knowledge I needed to delve into my job.” While completing her degree, Sachs also took advantage of the school’s National Security Agency-certified curriculum and earned a Graduate Certificate in Information System Security. Since graduating, Sachs has received promotions and salary increases and is now an IT security analyst. She’s sure it will lead to additional promotional opportunities, especially because her employer values education and the commitment it takes to get an advanced degree. “This is a path I never thought I would take, but I am so happy that I did. I wouldn’t have the job I have now if it wasn’t for my master’s degree.” “I wouldn’t have the job I have now if it wasn’t for my master’s degree.” —Jessica Sachs