2014-2015 Grad School of Computer and Information Sciences Viewbook

13 www.scis.nova.edu | Moving from the M.S. in Information Technology in Education program at GSCIS to the related Ph.D. in Computing Technology in Education program was seamless for Kevin Pacetti. Through the early admission track, Pacetti was able to begin working toward his doctoral degree before he had even finished his master’s degree. “Two years into my master’s degree, I was accepted into the early admission track of the doctoral program and started taking doctoral-level courses. Because of the early admission track, I will be able to finish my Ph.D. ahead of schedule.” A project leader for corporate software systems and training programs, Pacetti’s long-term goal is to shift his career path to academia and corporate consulting. “The skills that I learned on the job and my experience, paired with my degrees, will provide opportunities for me that would not otherwise have been possible.” One deciding factor for Pacetti choosing NSU over other area schools was the online component of the computing technology in education master’s- and doctoral-degree programs. When he was researching graduate schools, he discovered that a lot of schools were teaching about the latest educational technology, but were not using it to deliver their own programs. “At NSU, you are not just learning about educational technology, you are using it as a student.” Another deciding factor was the faculty. “I wanted professors who were actively involved in research, with published articles, not just teaching in the classroom.” Pacetti found another NSU advantage in its student-centered culture, which is geared toward helping the online student succeed by keeping them motivated and connected. “The professors promote student connectivity through email, discussion boards, and online conferencing. The professors always got back to you. They were more than teachers—they provided inspiration and motivation. That was critical.” The 50-year-old Texan and busy father doesn’t ever want to retire. His golden- year dreams are wrapped around his passions in life—teaching, technology, and photography. “I view learning as a lifelong process, and the pursuit and completion of the master’s- and doctoral-degree programs at NSU as a continuation, not conclusion, of my educational journey. The path of my journey is being shaped by the knowledge, experience, and inspiration I have gained at NSU.” “Because of the early admission track, I will be able to finish my Ph.D. ahead of schedule.” —Kevin Pacetti