NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Viewbook

7 www.scis.nova.edu | BITS AND BYTES - IEEE-USA vice president, Career and Member Services - board member, Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center - project director/CO-PI, Emil Buehler Research Center for Engineering, Science, and Mathematics - president, South Florida InfraGard Chapter - semi-professional photographer, 1nikon.com “Technology is everything today. Our courses are an effective blend of theory and practice that enables students to continue to advance their knowledge in information technology. Two of my favorite quotes are: (1) ‘There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home,’ – Ken Olson, president of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977, and (2) ‘640K ought to be enough for anybody,’ – Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, 1981.” Eric S. Ackerman has been active in the engineering and information sciences field for more than 25 years. His experience includes teaching engineering/information science courses, managing academic programs, and consulting on educational and industrial engineering initiatives. He is also currently serving as the project director of the Emil Buehler Research Center for Engineering, Science, and Mathematics at NSU. Ackerman has been involved in numerous engineering projects including designing space hardware that has flown on the space shuttle. He has received various IEEE section, council, and regional awards including the Region 3 IEEE-USA Regional Professional Leadership award. Ackerman is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM, ASEE, AIS, AIAA, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon. Research Areas: management information systems, project management, computer space hardware design, and microgravity research