NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Viewbook

43 www.scis.nova.edu | BITS AND BYTES - co-editor, Special Issue on Cybercrime, Computers & Security Journal - visiting scientist at Ludwig Maxmilian University, Germany, 2012 - co-chair for ‘IS, IT, and Security’ track, itAIS 2012, Italy - chair for ‘Cybercrime in the Digital Economy’ mini track, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2012 - chair for ‘Cybercrime and IT Misuse’ mini track, Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2012 - program committee member, United Nations IFIP WG 8.11/11.13 IS Security Research Workshop, 2012 and 2013 - program committee member, UN IFIP Workshop on IS Security Management, 2010, South Africa “Computer-related fraud permeates organizations due to the generally trusting nature of our society. Technology and scientific knowledge can be used to make the digital environment safe to use. Now seems to be the time to encourage institutions to be socially responsible as well.” Gurvirender Tejay’s research focuses on addressing issues pertaining to information security, information quality, and knowledge management in organizations. In each of these areas, he studies complexity of organizational context, behavior of organizational members, and intricacies of information technologies to design effective information-related practices and governance structures. Tejay’s academic interests led him to pursue graduate studies in the field of economics at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and computer science at the University of Chicago. He has published several refereed research publications in journals and conference proceedings. Most of his scholarly work is influenced by contextualism and follows the tenets of Interpretivist paradigm. Tejay has presented research talks on information security at several conferences. He has been invited to speak to IT executives at SIMposium 2011, the annual conference of the Society for Information Management, and CISO Executive Summit 2011. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency have also invited him as a subject matter expert, to review a cyber-security workforce framework. He has served as a scientific reviewer for top IS journals and international research conferences. Tejay’s teaching approach emphasizes critical thinking, rigor, and relevancy to practice.