NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Viewbook

41 www.scis.nova.edu | RESEARCh AREAS - database management systems - data warehousing - knowledge discovery - data mining “The ultimate goal of academic education is to teach the skills of problem solving with the domain knowledge and its underlying methodologies.” Junping Sun teaches database systems to graduate students and recently designed and instructed the first data mining courses. He joined NSU in 1992 after earning his Ph.D. from Wayne State University. He is the author of numerous conference presentations and journal articles, some of which appear in the publications of ACM and IEEE. Sun also serves as an associate editor of The Journal of Engineering Letters (International Association of Engineers), International Journal of Advanced Intelligence, and The International Journal of Computers and Their Applications. He also served as database track co-chair for the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing and as a program committee member for ACM, IEEE, and other international conferences. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).