NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Viewbook

39 www.scis.nova.edu | BITS AND BYTES - Development Dimensions International (DDI) Certified Facilitator of DDI Learning Systems - registered therapy dog handler and volunteer with Therapy Dogs International (TDI) “Educating in digital environments involves making the right connections between technology and people.” Prior to joining GSCIS, Marti Snyder spent more than 15 years as a senior instructional designer and project manager for a Fortune 500 company where she designed learning solutions for domestic and international banks, retailers, mortgage companies, and insurance agencies. She is an active member of the American Educational Research Association, Association of Educational Communications and Technology, Sloan-C Consortium, and Informing Science Institute. Snyder serves as a reviewer for various journals in technology and higher education including the International Journal of Doctoral Studies, The Internet and Higher Education, and New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. She has published articles in national and international journals including The International Journal of Designs for Learning, The Internet and Higher Education, Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, and The Qualitative Report. “My research focuses on designs for learning in technology-enhanced environments. Through my teaching and research, I interact with people from higher education, the military, government, business, and health care. It’s incredible to see how my students and colleagues are using learning technologies in their fields in truly transformative ways.” Research Areas: instructional design theory and model building and validation, communities of practice, workplace learning, and qualitative research methods