NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Viewbook

23 www.scis.nova.edu | “Present-day high-speed and high-performance broadband network initiatives— such as Internet2 in the United States, CANARIE (Canada’s Advanced Research and Innovation Network), ESnet5 (Energy Sciences Network, Phase 5), and GÉANT3 (the pan-European Union Network, Phase 3)—are transforming access to, and delivery of, present-day and next-generation broadband applications, which are revolutionizing the development of e learning, e health care, e government, and e commerce initiatives. Broadband configurations also provision access to social media Web sites and online resources that are expected to shape networking applications and innovations over the next decade and beyond.” Marlyn Littman is the author of books, book chapters, encyclopedia chapters, journal articles, and articles in conference proceedings in the field of broadband networks. Littman also is the author of publications in the fields of historic preservation and medical history. Prior to joining GSCIS, she served as director of the Historic Broward County Preservation Board, an agency of the Florida Department of State Government. Research Areas: broadband communications technologies, next-generation networks, broadband networks, grid computing, enterprise network solutions, e learning, and network security BITS AND BYTES - second edition of Building Broadband Networks, expected publication date 2014 - GSCIS program director, 1986–1990 - member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Information Resources Management Association (IRMA), and Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE)