NSU Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty Viewbook

11 www.scis.nova.edu | BITS AND BYTES - collaborated on the fifth edition of Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction with Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant (University of Maryland) and Steven Jacbos (Northern Arizona University), published in 2009 - served as category editor for ACM Computing Reviews (Information Interfaces and Presentation), since 1991 “In order for computing and technology to continue to move forward and become pervasive, we need to pay close attention to the human interface components.” Maxine Cohen has been involved with computers, programming, and computing education for more than 40 years. Her research has focused on issues relating to human-computer interaction (HCI) for most of her career. Cohen even created the first HCI course at Binghamton University. She has watched HCI grow from almost an afterthought to a well- defined and exciting research area. In the corporate world, she did human factors design work for IBM Corporation, both in Endicott, New York, and Boca Raton, Florida. She has served as a visiting scientist for the U.S. Army, a reviewer for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), and a consultant for distance education programs for the military. In her academic career, she has served as a reviewer for many publishers on academic topics such as database, multimedia, interface design, and interactive systems. Her work has been published and presented at various conferences including the educationally based IEEE Frontiers in Education. Research Areas: human-computer interaction, usability engineering, interface design, older adults and computing, women and computing, and distance education