NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 33 Students are not to place or attach objects to any window ledges, roofs, or other exteriors of buildings. In addition, residents should never be on any building ledge or roof. Students shall not play any athletic games in a room, apartment, or common area of a residence hall without proper authorization. This includes, but is not limited to, rollerblading, biking, and skateboarding. Trampolines are not allowed to be used in the residence halls or on the University campus. Smoking Policy Smoking and tobacco use are prohibited in all Nova Southeastern University facilities and on all university property and other properties owned or leased by the university with no exception. This includes, but is not limited to, all indoor and outdoor areas and properties. Indoor areas and properties include, but are not limited to, all common work areas, elevators, hallways, university-owned or -leased vehicles, garages, restrooms, dining areas, employee lounges, conference and meeting rooms, and all other enclosed areas in the workplace. Outdoor areas include, but are not limited to, parking lots, grounds, rooftops, plazas, courtyards, entrance and exit ways, and any other areas of the university campus. Also, smoking and tobacco use is prohibited within personal vehicles when on any property owned or leased by Nova Southeastern University. For purposes of this policy, “smoking” is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning, carrying, or possessing any lighted tobacco product including cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and any other lit tobacco products. For the purposes of this policy, “tobacco use” is defined as the personal use of any tobacco product, whether intended to be lit or not, which shall include smoking as defined above, as well as the use of an electronic cigarette or any other device intended to simulate smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco, including snuff; chewing tobacco; smokeless pouches; or any other form of looseleaf, smokeless tobacco; as well as the use of unlit cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco. VAPING of any kind is also prohibited. Paraphernalia Drug paraphernalia is considered items possessed with or used in conjunction with controlled substances, which include, but is not limited to, hookahs, whippets, water pipes, bongs, pipes, syringes, containers, clips, etc. Prescription Drugs Prescription drugs must be in the original pharmacy container from a licensed pharmacist with your legal name listed on the label. Your prescription drugs must be used only as directed by your doctor. Possession or use of marijuana, even if prescribed is prohibited. See page 38 in the NSU Student Handbook. Presence Students present in a housing unit where controlled substances are used or sold may be deemed to be possessing or using controlled substances themselves. They may face housing agreement termination and conduct action as a result. Responsibility for Contraband Items If items prohibited by University policies, state laws, or local laws are discovered in University residences and ownership cannot be determined, all assigned residents of the resident unit who are aware of the presence of or have access to the contraband will be considered in possession of the items for conduct purposes. Safety-Related Policies The following are primary types of unacceptable group or individual behavior: The projection or dropping of any object or materials which litter University property or which may cause injury to persons or property. Students may not throw, discard, place, or deposit litter in University buildings or University grounds except in receptacles provided for such purposes. Littering may result in a $100 fine and may include conduct action.