NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 27 Procedures After the Hurricane Residents will not be allowed back into the residence halls until the Director of Residence Life has received approval from University administration that all residence halls are safe and secure. Students must routinely check e-mails and university advisories for continuous updates. Damage to personal property found after the storm is not the responsibility of Nova Southeastern University or the Office of Residence Life. Damage to NSU Property will be taken care of by the University in a timely manner after the storm. Damage to personal property found after the storm is not the responsibility of Nova Southeastern University, the Office of Residence Life, or the University Housing. If residents need to be relocated due to damage to their room, the Office of Residence Life and the University Housing will work with each student to find a temporary location on campus until the room is cleared by University administration. Medical Emergencies From time to time, medical emergencies do occur in our residence halls. These may include accidents or serious illness. After you have determined the nature of the emergency, it is imperative that you get professional help as quickly as possible: 1. Immediately contact Davie Police—911; and 2. Contact NSU Public Safety at (954) 262-8999 Missing Student Procedures Pursuant to federal law, every residential student is entitled to register any individual (over the age of 18) as their confidential emergency contact person, to be notified in the event of their unlikely disappearance or if they are determined to be “missing.” It is not required that this individual be the same person(s) designated on the Emergency Notification Form. 2. Students should remain away from danger areas, such as glass windows and doors of the shelter. 3. Do not attempt to open windows or doors to see what is happening outside once you are located in the designated shelter area. If everyone remains calm, stays inside, and follows the above instructions and precautions, it minimizes danger. If anyone has any questions, please contact the Office of Residence Life, the University Housing, or NSU Public Safety. Students are responsible for following all the procedures above and any other procedures given at the shelter location by the Office of Residence Life. Residents will not be able to return to the halls and must stay indoors at the designated shelter location during the hurricane. If a resident chooses to stay off-campus during the storm, the resident will not be able to return until the Office of Residence Life and the University Housing opens the residence halls. This is for your protection.