College of Dental Medicine Campaign Priorities

While running a state-of-the-art endodontics practice in Kingston, Jamaica, this NSU alum conceived and now supervises the predoctoral program at the University of the West Indies’ College of Dental Services in Jamaica. He also serves on the board of examiners for the country’s dental council, founded the first club in Jamaica to promote an interdisciplinary approach to dentistry, and has lectured in 14 countries. “My time at NSU’s College of Dental Medicine helped me in learning the science behind the treatment choices we make in endodontics. I learned the interdisciplinary approach to dentistry first at NSU. My training has given me the confidence to speak to my patients and colleagues as well.” —Sasidar Nallapati Postdoctoral Certificate (’06), CDM’s 2014 Distinguished Alumni This pediatric dentist has received numerous professional honors, including the Delta Dental Leadership Award, the Charles Fain Award from the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and the American College of Dentists Award for professionalism and ethics. In addition, he serves as a consultant and examiner for the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. “It’s an honor to know him and to have been one of his teachers,” said Abby Brodie, D.M.D., associate dean for academic affairs at the CDM. “Being a dental student is really hard work, and he put his heart and soul into it.” “When I’m outside the office, I’m quiet and socially awkward, but I love what I do.” —Michael Roseff D.M.D. (’04), CDM’s 2012 Distinguished Alumni COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE SUCCESS STORIES Bioscience Research Center Primarily used to conduct clinical research, biomaterials research, and public health research, the Bioscience Research Center is highly sought after for companies that create products for gingivitis, plaque control, and teeth whitening. “We’re gearing up for the prevention era in dentistry with treatment options we have now that we never did before and technologies that weren’t previously available. A lot of that has to do with the research we’re doing. I’m really excited to expand my research. When I mentor students, I tell them, no matter what project you pick, make sure you’re passionate about it and that it will make a difference in your career and with your patients.” —Cristina Garcia-Godoy, D.D.S., M.P.H., CCRP Director of Clinical Research, Nova Southeastern University 09-054-15NOM Division of Advancement and Community Relations 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796 | (954) 262-2109 |