NSU's Overall Case Statement | Realizing Potential Campaign

37 Helping families “My daughter, Carly, was attending the Family Center Preschool and teachers started noticing that something was not quite right. Carly had become detached, unresponsive, and eventually stopped speaking. “After careful observation, Carly was moved over to the Baudhuin Preschool. At the time, she didn’t even seem to recognize us as her parents. There are times as a parent when you think, ‘I cannot do this one more day,’ and then you have people who say ‘I’m there with you, so you can do this.’ “While Carly was at the Baudhuin Preschool, she was taught sign language and how to use an augmented speaking device, which helped her to communicate. Today, Carly has achieved so much; she’s talking up a storm, partaking in dance recitals, and just is this extraordinary little person. “We got the support we needed at the Mailman Segal Center. These are the people that held my hand. When hand holding wasn’t enough, they carried me.” —Terry a parent at NSU’s Mailman Segal Center, Baudhuin Preschool