NSU's Overall Case Statement | Realizing Potential Campaign

25 TACKLING TRAUMA What do you do for a child traumatized by nightly gunfire? Or one told horrifying stories—by his own parents? NSU professor Jan Faust, Ph.D., and her students start by addressing the patient’s primary need: to feel safe. Faust directs two of 16 specialized programs within NSU’s College of Psychology, where students and patients thrive under her care. Together, Faust and her students come up with projects to help people. This level of involvement boosts their confidence and, as Faust says, “makes them more marketable” once they leave NSU. She includes students on research publications and enjoys watching them get excited about effecting change. Her students benefit from working on real cases alongside their cutting-edge professors. The close supervision pays off. Impressed attorneys often tell her that NSU’s College of Psychology students understand how to best approach situations in family court. Faust, like numerous other NSU faculty members, teaches and researches while continuing to work in her field. “I do think I am a better professor because I am in the trenches and have a small practice. I also think I am a better clinician because I am a professor. We have to stay on top of research, and always ask questions.” —Jan Faust, Ph,D. Professor, College of Psychology