NSU's Overall Case Statement | Realizing Potential Campaign

24 OPENING NEW DOORS The field of informatics is surging, and big data can lead to big careers. With NSU’s growing supercomputing capacity, university researchers will be at the forefront of computational biology, data mining, graphic visualization, and software engineering. In addition, interprofessional collaborations are profoundly impacting the emerging field of bioinformatics, which provides invaluable knowledge- building opportunities to students, not to mention new career paths. One of the professors preparing NSU students for these new career paths, Yair Levy, Ph.D., and his team are also intensifying their work with the intelligence community to address cybersecurity threats. NSU has been designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense by the National Security Agency and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. By increasing the number of professionals with higher education in the field of information assurance, officials hope to protect the country’s national information infrastructure. “Federal officials have called South Florida the ‘world capital’ of cybercrime, yet investment directed toward prevention research has been minimal. We have the potential to lead the nation in mobile cybercomputing forensics.” —Yair Levy, Ph.D. Professor, College of Engineering and Computing