NSU's Overall Case Statement | Realizing Potential Campaign

16 Our Dual Admission Program enables a highly qualified student to secure a seat in one of NSU’s rigorous graduate or professional programs while pursuing his or her bachelor’s degree. Vaulting to success By applying to the Dual Admission Program and fulfilling its strict requirements, Rebecca Urrutia was able to enroll in an NSU graduate program while working toward her bachelor’s degree. This star pole vaulter was also a star student. As an undergraduate biology major, Urrutia had an opportunity to present her research on endometriosis—an inflammatory disease of the reproductive system—at the 2014 World Congress on Endometriosis in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Under the direction of NSU Professor Idhaliz Flores, Ph.D., Urrutia was able to examine whether or not endometriosis causes higher levels of stress and lower levels of the hormone cortisol, a critical anti-inflammatory agent. “The congress was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that confirmed my passion to become a health care professional who is also interested in research.” —Rebecca Urrutia M.M.S. Graduate Student, NSU’s College of Health Care Sciences B.A., NSU’s Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography