NSU's Overall Case Statement | Realizing Potential Campaign

12 Our students | $125 Million HELP SUPPORT OUR STUDENTS Students are NSU’s lifeblood. Scholarships make it possible for us to attract and retain an exceptional, diverse student body and develop the next generation of leaders. Only with scholarship and programming support can we increase our ability to help those bright young minds who would not be able to attend NSU without some form of financial assistance. We need funding for the 80 percent of students who require support to realize their educational dreams. The establishment of additional Dual Admission paths and the new Farquhar Honors College gives us even more opportunities to compete for the best and brightest students. Private support is necessary to attract those scholars who consider NSU their first choice but are lured away by schools who can cover their full tuition. With support we can involve every freshman in the research discovery process, expand opportunities for global experiences, and prepare students for success in many fields—even fields that are just emerging. Undergraduate priorities include • Endowed scholarships • Research funds • Study abroad funds • Internship support Scholarship opportunities • NSU President’s Scholarship for new and continuing students • NSU Provost’s Scholarship for transfer students • NSU Trustee Scholarship for new students • Razor’s Edge Program for student leaders • Razor’s Edge Program for international student leaders • Pathway Scholars Business Scholarship Program for high-achieving students with financial need Plus scholarships for • Honors students • Dual Admission students • First in family to attend college students • International students • Student-athletes • Veterans