NSU's Quality Enhancement Plan April 2017

NSU QEP References | 37 Decker, T. (2005). Diplomatic relations: Peer tutors in the writing classroom. In C. Spigelman & L. Grobman (Eds.), On location: Theory and practice in classroom-based writing tutoring (pp. 17–30). Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. Dvorak, K. (2016). Multilingual writers, multilingual tutors: Code-switching/mixing/meshing in the writing center. In S. Bruce & B. Rafoth (Eds.), Tutoring second language writers (pp. 101–122). Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado. Dvorak, K., & Bruce, S. (Eds.). (2008). Creative approaches to writing center work . Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Dvorak, K., Bruce, S., & Lutkewitte, C. (2012). Getting the writing center into FYC classrooms. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 16 (4). Retrieved from http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/5243NEW.pdf East Carolina University. (2013). Quality enhancement plan: “Write where you belong.” Retrieved from http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/2013trackbqeps /EastCarolinaUniversityQEPExecutiveSummary.pdf Eastern Kentucky University. (2007). Eastern Kentucky University quality enhancement plan executive summary . Retrieved from http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/2007%20track%20 b%20qeps/Eastern%20Kentucky%20University.pdf Elmborg, J. K., & Hook, S. (2005). Centers for learning: Writing centers and libraries in collaboration . Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries. Eodice, M., & Geller, A. E. (2013). Working with faculty writers . Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado. Fels, D. (2008). Writing groups for teachers: Opportunities for imagination, creativity, and renewal. In K. Dvorak & S. Bruce (Eds.), Creative approaches to writing center work (pp. 101–122). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Fels, D. & Wells, J. (2011). The Successful high school writing centers: Building the best program with your students . New York: Teachers College Press. Grimm, N. (2009). New conceptual frameworks for writing center work. The Writing Center Journal, 29 (2), 11–27. Hallman, R. (2014). Re-envisioning course-embedded programs at the graduate-level: A tutor’s experience in a doctoral translingual marketing class. Praxis: A Writing Center Journal . Retrieved from http://www.praxisuwc.com/hallman-121 Hubbuch, S. M. (1988). A tutor needs to know the subject matter to help a student with a paper: [] Agree [] disagree [] not sure. The Writing Center Journal, 8 (2), 23–30. Kent, R. (2006). A Guide to creating student-staffed writing centers: Grades 6–12 . New York: Peter Lang. Kiedaisch, J., & Dinitz, S. (1993). “Look back and say ‘so what’”: The limitations of the generalist tutor. The Writing Center Journal, 14 (1), 63–74. Knowlton, L. W. & Phillips, C. C. (2013). The Logic model guidebook: Better strategies for great results . Los Angeles: Sage.