NSU's Quality Enhancement Plan April 2017

NSU QEP Assessment Plan | 35 last three years will serve as a baseline against which data from students affected by the implementation of the QEP will be compared as they complete the Alumni Survey. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will work in collaboration with the assessment team to collect and analyze the results from all respondents for each relevant question. Table 13 lists assessment information regarding the QEP. Table 13 NSU QEP Assessment Methods Assessment Instrument Purpose Data Source Direct/ Indirect Measure Writing Enriched Course Assignments Assess student writing as defined by the student learning outcomes. student assignments from the identified, writing-embedded courses; student reflections Direct Writing Center Resource Utilization and Satisfaction with Services Assess the frequency/incidence rates for, and satisfaction with, the writing center. total student visits, number of visits per student, nature of the visit; brief, postsession client reflections. Direct Writing Fellows Effectiveness Survey Assess the perceived effectiveness of writing fellows in courses. Students and faculty members from courses with an assigned writing fellow Direct Faculty Workshops in Best Practices Pedagogy Assess the perceived benefits and learning associated with faculty workshops. faculty member surveys completed by workshop participants Direct Graduate Student Writing Workshops Assess the learning outcomes of individual workshop sessions. pre and postassessments completed by graduate student workshop participants; postworkshop reflection statements. Direct National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Review NSSE data both pre- and post-QEP to assess whether any changes have been demonstrated institutionally. Comparisons to benchmark institutions will also be made. overall NSSE assessment and the “Experiences with Writing” module Indirect Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) Review FSSE data as indirect measurement of students’ critical thinking skills, both pre- and post-QEP, to assess whether any changes have been demonstrated institutionally. Comparisons to benchmark institutions will also be made. overall FSSE assessment and the “Experiences with Writing” module Indirect Student Course Evaluations Collect data regarding the quality of feedback relating to writing as effective in courses across the curriculum. questions from the overall student course evaluations completed each semester Indirect Annual Student Survey Collect data regarding students’ perceptions of NSU’s writing resources. questions from the NSU Annual Student Survey Indirect Alumni Survey Assess alumni attitudes about their level of satisfaction with their academic experience related to preparedness for writing in their careers. questions from the annual alumni survey Indirect