NSU's Quality Enhancement Plan April 2017

34 | NSU QEP Assessment Plan Course Evaluations NSU administers course evaluations online for each course section after each semester. The course evaluations assess several dimensions of the course including course format, relevance to the field of study, and overall organization. In addition, a set of questions assesses student perceptions of the instructor, including the quality of instructor feedback. Specific questions will be added to the evaluation instrument to help gain perspective on whether students perceive the quality of feedback relating to writing as effective. These questions provide indirect assessment of student learning outcomes 3 (writing process) and 5 (reflection). Annual Student Survey NSU developed a web-based student survey that has been administered annually since 2007. This annual survey is provided to all NSU students (undergraduate, graduate, and first-professional) in the fall semester and is analyzed by NSU institutional researchers at the overall university level, as well as at the college level, with additional analysis by degree level within colleges. Beginning in the fall 2016 semester, six additional questions have been added to the NSU annual student survey, in preparation for QEP assessment purposes. The additional questions, with a writing focus, are as follows: • NSU has prepared me to meet the expectations of college level writing. • Faculty members in my discipline are committed to helping me become a better writer. • Faculty members in my discipline have helped me become a better writer. • I am aware of the writing services available at NSU. • I use the writing services available at NSU. • NSU’s writing services have helped me become a better writer. • What prompts you to use NSU’s writing services? (possible answers: to get another reader’s perspective; faculty recommendations; understand faculty feedback; clarification; writer’s block; I do not use the services; other) The NSU annual student survey additional writing questions will provide for an indirect assessment of student learning outcomes 1 through 4. Annual Alumni Survey The Alumni Survey is administered annually by the Office of Institutional Research. The data collected reflect graduates’ attitudes about their level of satisfaction with their academic experience. The Alumni Survey currently includes three questions regarding the importance of writing in the alumni’s current careers, as well as perceptions of their preparedness to communicate effectively orally and in writing in their jobs. Data from the Alumni Survey is not intended to directly assess any outcomes in particular, but to provide data to demonstrate whether alumni report favorable attitudes toward their preparedness to write and communicate effectively in the context of their jobs. Historical data from the