NSU's Quality Enhancement Plan April 2017

NSU QEP Marketing/Communication Plan | 29 The committee’s minutes and contact information is available at https://www.nova.edu/ portal/qep/marketing-committee.html . The committee was charged with creating a marketing/communication plan that would target multiple audiences, including students at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, and first-professional), faculty and staff members, and administrators. Inherent in the process was to create a QEP brand that will be instantly recognizable. The first task of the committee was to review and approve the QEP logo. NSU’s Office of Publications, along with members of the Student Affairs media team, created a variety of QEP logos. These logos were presented to the QEP committee and to student and faculty focus groups. The final selection, approved by the QEP Marketing Committee, will be used in all messaging about the NSU QEP, including on the QEP website, on QEP documents, and the like. The committee also agreed that the cornerstone of the QEP campaign would be a short (30–60 second) promo video that will be featured on the website; sent out via mass email to all students and NSU employees; and featured on social media, SharkTube, and at university-wide events, such as Team 2020 and the Student Events and Activities Board’s SEA Thursday. The QEP Marketing Committee will continue to partner with the following NSU offices to collaborate on a uniform QEP message: NSU’s Office of Publications, NSU’s Office of Innovation and Information Technology (OIIT), NSU’s OIIT Digital Media Services, the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Regional Campuses, and the Office of Public Relations and Marketing Communications. The QEP marketing campaign will commence in January 2017 and will continue throughout the calendar year. During that time period, the following public relations information on the QEP will be disseminated: • ads on NSU’s SharkLink • pop-up information displayed on SharkLearn for every student prior to registration • announcements at meetings for the Student Government Association, President’s 64, and President’s Town Hall (for students and for employees) • information brochures provided to all academic advisors • bookmarks and information available in residence halls, the Don Taft University Center, in classroom buildings, and at a variety of events • banners posted in the Welcome Center, each of the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus buildings, and at each regional campus building • email blasts sent to all employees and students • information on the QEP website ( nova.edu/qep ) and on the NSU Write from the Start Writing and Communication Center website.