Physical Therapy Brochure | College of Health Care Sciences

26 | Physical Therapy COURSE # COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS HPH 7200* Ethics 3 HPH 7300* Biostatistics I 3 HPH 7310* Biostatistics II 3 HPH 7400* Research Methods and Design 3 HPH 7410** Qualitative Research 3 PHT 7010* Professional Issues in Physical Therapy and Health Care 3 PHT 7020* Legal Issues in Health Care II 3 PHT 7030* Health Care Policy and Health Care Reform 4 PHT 7112* Measurement Issues in Physical Therapy Research 3 PHT 7114 Essentials of Clinical Trials 3 PHT 7120 Critical Inquiry 3 PHT 7130* Dissertation Research Seminar 3 PHT 7140 The Therapist and Cultural Diversity 3 PHT 7200* Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy 3 PHT 7210 Patient Education 3 PHT 7300 Consulting Skills 3 PHT 7400 Independent Study 1–10 PHT 7401 Independent Study 1–4 PHT 7420 Health Care Delivery Systems 3 PHT 7430 Physical Therapy Management 3 PHT 7510 Designing Educational Materials for the Web 3 PHT 7700 Advanced Clinical Competency I 3 PHT 7710 Advanced Clinical Competency II 3 PHT 7720 Leadership 3 PHT 7740* Comprehensive Exam 0 PHT 7800* Dissertation 16 PHT 7801*** Research Seminar 1 PHT 7810‡ Dissertation Continuation 1 *Required Core Course **HPH 7410 Required if dissertation contains qualitative research ***Course required for four semesters in the first two years. ‡ This course begins after the 16 credits for PHT 7800 have been fulfilled. Courses will be conducted in an institute format and as independent study under faculty supervision. The distance education format enables students to continue their practice as physical therapists while earning their degree. Detailed course descriptions are available online at PH.D. PROGRAM CURRICULUM