Physical Therapy Brochure | College of Health Care Sciences

Nova Southeastern University | 13 Year Four—Summer Semester (12 weeks) COURSE # COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS PHTT 6914 Neuromuscular II 2 PHTT 6914L Neuromuscular II Lab* 2 PHTT 6920 Systems Management IV—Applied Clinical Decision Making of Complex Patients 4 TOTAL HOURS 8 Year Four—Fall Semester (16 weeks) COURSE # COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS PHTT 6941 Clinical Experience I (12 weeks)*** 6 PHTT 6951 Clinical Experience II (12 weeks)*** 6 TOTAL HOURS 12 Year Four—Winter Semester (18 weeks) COURSE # COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS PHTT 6961 Clinical Experience III (12 weeks)*** 6 PHTT 6904 Evidence in Practice Capstone Project 2 PHTT 6930 Wrap-up and Review‡ 2 TOTAL HOURS 10 TOTAL HOURS FOR GRADUATION 118 * Includes patient experiences or an integrated clinical experience ** Includes a one-week integrated clinical experience *** Students do not attend classes in Tampa Bay during Clinical Experience I–III. ‡ Students return to Tampa Bay for one week to prepare for graduation and licensure examination. The course sequence outlined is preliminary and subject to revision. The final approved curriculum sequence will be posted online at .