Doctor of Philosophy in Health Science Brochure | College of Health Care Sciences

Nova Southeastern University | 11 The Ph.D. program will admit health care professionals with diverse graduate education, professional-level health care work history, and life experiences. The successful applicant’s health profession may include • positions that emphasize delivery of services to individual clients (e.g., Au.D., PA, PT, OT, R.N., LCSW) • population-based careers (e.g., M.P.H., M.H.A.) • any combination of the following: ♦ health professions licensure (e.g., Au.D., R.N., PT, OT, RDH) ♦ national certification or registration (e.g., PA-C, RVT, RRT, CRNA, FACHE) ♦ recognized academic credentials (e.g., M.P.H., M.S.N., M.S.W., M.H.A., M.B.A., J.D., M.A. or M.S. in Audiology, D.P.T., O.T.D.) The successful administrative applicant will • demonstrate at least five years of professional experience with increasing levels of responsibility in a health care setting • document professional experience with an organizational chart showing the appli- cant’s position within the organization • provide a letter of recommendation from a supervisor attesting to the applicant’s level of responsibly within the organization • submit a statement concerning the applicant’s career and professional goals within the health care environment ✔ TIP Fellowship or certification by a recognized health certifying body (e.g., FACHE) is desirable. All questions regarding the appropriateness of an applicant’s qualifications for admis- sion can be discussed with the department chair or program director on an informal basis, but the official recommendations are made by the Committee on Admissions to the dean of the college, who makes the final determination. Admissions information and applications may be obtained from Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division Office of Admissions 3200 South University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2018 For more information, please visit or call (954) 262-1101.