Sharks Rx Spring 2018 | NSU College of Pharmacy

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 8 According to Deziel, increasing research, greater faculty and alumni participation in committees, and more faculty members and alumni in leadership roles in national organizations create greater visibility for the college. That greater awareness also feeds the entire university’s fund-raising efforts. All these efforts boost initiatives, such as NSU’s Real- izing Potential philanthropic campaign, which recently surpassed its goal to raise $250 million by 2020 to benefit students and faculty members and support a progressive 21st-century education across all colleges. Deziel lamented that, even after 30 years, many people still don’t recognize the complexity of the COP and all it offers. She proselytizes among all of NSU’s other colleges, deans, and faculties and encourages everyone at the college to do the same. “We have a good reputation. People just don’t know the breadth of what we offer. That’s been the struggle,” Deziel explained. “But I find when I get people on campus, they’re very impressed by our faculty members, students, facilities, resources, education, and projects. We’re starting to see more collaborations with other universities and research organizations.” The College of Pharmacy recently completed a new strategic plan, which Deziel hopes leads to greater national recognition and all the benefits that come along with it. “What I would like to see is that students come here because they look at the opportunities, and they say, ‘That’s the school that’s going to get me where I want to go,’ as opposed to the school closest to home—or near the beach in Fort Lauderdale,” she said. “I want to be a destination college where people come because we can help create their futures, and we can help them be what they want to be. One of the advantages of being a large pharmacy school with a complicated set of logistics is that we have the faculty and the infrastructure to help all of those students.” Deziel added, “As faculty, the greatest achievement is to see our students graduate and be very successful alumni. And, we are, in fact, seeing our alumni be very successful within the profession,’’ she said proudly. “We love to have our residents report that they compete well with graduates from other schools. You know then they had a sense, too, that they had a quality education.” “We have a good reputation.People just don’t know the breadth of what we offer. But, I find when I get people on campus, they’re very impressed by our faculty members, students, facilities, resources,education,and projects.We’re starting to see more collaborations with other universities and research organizations.” —Lisa Deziel,dean “We love to have our residents report that they compete well with graduates from other schools.” —Lisa Deziel (continued from previous page) “Good news is seldom as good as we think it will be when we first hear it, and bad news is seldom as bad. Life has a way of evening things out.” —Jean Latimer, Ph.D.