Sharks Rx Spring 2018 | NSU College of Pharmacy

Dean ’s Message Lisa M. Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D. Dean, College of Pharmacy Nova Southeastern University IN THIS ISSUE of SharksRx , we proudly highlight accomplishments of our students, faculty and staff members, and alumni. Success comes in many forms, but our high achievers all possess laudable qualities, including a strong work ethic with great motivation to succeed. This combination of traits, now commonly referred to as grit, helps separate great performers from the pack, more so than natural talent. As we celebrate the NSU College of Pharmacy’s 30th anniversary, symbolized by a pearl, we proudly review our tremendous growth and development over the years as a tribute to all those who had the vision and grit to ensure our success in so many ways. What started as a “pearl” of an idea is now one of the largest colleges of pharmacy in Florida and Puerto Rico, providing professional, research, and leadership training to more than 1,100 students at four campuses. Under the leadership of inaugural dean G. Joseph Norwood, Ph.D., and successive deans William Hardigan, Ph.D., Andrés Malavé, Ph.D., and myself, the college has continued to thrive. Today, we offer four professional and graduate degrees: the Pharm.D., a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, an M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs, and an M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Our new Pharm.D. curriculum, to be introduced in fall 2018, will provide students with an innovative program of study grounded in patient care and drug delivery, while inte- grating leadership and professional development, to educate a new generation of pharmacy practitioners. Our innovative programs, curricula, research, and leadership development programs will be the standard other colleges strive to achieve. The College of Pharmacy provides students with myriad curricular and cocurricular opportunities to help find their individual passions and guide them toward their professional pathways. Wide-ranging experiences—including participation in student organizations, travel study, international advanced pharmacy practice experiences, research, medical outreach trips, health fairs, residency preparation, dual degrees, educational symposia, and leadership development—help our students find their true passions. We are especially excited about the opening of our CareerRx Center, which is providing students individualized career guidance to empower their success. As we celebrate the successes of our pharmacy family, we thank all our alumni and friends who help us help our students find their passion. We love to hear from you, so keep us updated with your information and share your stories of success and achievement at . Shark Pride!