Sharks Rx Spring 2018 | NSU College of Pharmacy

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 30 Anastasios Lymperopoulos , Ph.D., associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences, coauthored a textbook chapter, “Assays of Adrenal GPCR Signaling and Regulation: Mea- suring Adrenal ß-Arrestin Activity in Vivo Through Plasma Membrane Recruitment,” in the textbook Methods in Cell Biology with Pharm.D. students Reema Mody (’19) and Yelaisy Hernandez (’18). He also coauthored the article “ß-Arrestin2 Improves Post-Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure via Sarco[endo]plasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase- Dependent Positive Inotropy in Cardiomyocytes” in the journal Hypertension . Cynthia Moreau , Pharm.D., BCACP, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, coauthored the article “Assessing the Effect of Pharmacist Care on Diabetes-Related Outcomes in a Rural Outpatient Clinic: A Retrospective Case-Control Study,” which was published in the June 2017 issue of Annals of Pharmacotherapy . She is also the principal investigator for the grant “Advancing Interprofessional Education in Emerging Healthcare Models,” which was awarded in 2017 and is funded by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Merit-Based Scholarship Award. Alexandra Perez , Pharm.D. (’05), published an article with Jose Valdes , Pharm.D. (’12), Carolina Gutierrez , Pharm.D., (’16), and Pierina Cabrera , Pharm.D. (’16)—“A Comparison of the Use of Antidepressant Treatment Between Non-Hispanic Black and White and Mexican American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes and Depression: NHANES 2005–2012” in The Diabetes Educator . Additionally, Perez was awarded a faculty research fellowship as part of the Expanding National Capacity in PCOR Through Training (ENACT) program through the Institute for Clinical Research Education at the University of Pittsburgh. Mutasen Rawas-Qalaji , Ph.D., and Ph.D. candidate Rawan Bafail , Pharm.D., M.S., presented two posters at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition held November 11–15 in San Diego, California. The posters analyzed “The Combined Effect of a Penetration Enhancer and an Alkalizing Agent on the Sublingual Permeability of Atropine from Fast Disintegrating Sublingual Tablets” and “Microenvironment’s pH Modifica- tion and its Effect on Enhancing the Sublingual Permeability of Atropine from Fast Disintegrating Sublingual Tablets.” They also filed an international patent application on Sep- tember 5 assigned to NSU titled “Atropine Sulfate Rapidly Disintegrating Sublingual Tablets, Methods for Manufacture Thereof, and Methods for Use Thereof for Treatment of Acute Organophosphate Toxicity.” Elizabeth Sherman , Pharm.D. (‘07), assistant professor of pharmacy practice, copublished the text “HIV Pharmaco- therapy.” This is the first comprehensive HIV pharmacother- apy reference textbook and is published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Sherman also is a section editor with chapter coauthor and colleague Marylee Worley , assistant professor of pharmacy practice. Devada Singh-Franco , Pharm.D., R.Ph., CDE, associate professor of pharmacy practice, discussed the topic “Pharmacology Update: 2017 Diabetes Medications” at the sixth annual Florida American Association of Diabetes Educators Conference held November 18, 2017, at NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. Albert I. Wertheimer , Ph.D., professor of pharmaceutical sciences, coauthored two books: Pharmaceutical Market Access in Developed Markets and Social and Administrative Aspects of Pharmacy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. College Pride (continued from previous page)