Sharks Rx Spring 2018 | NSU College of Pharmacy

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 26 Years 30 Each year, NSU recognizes employees who have reached milestone years of service. This year, the college is proud to celebrate the following employees who have contributed to growth through their ongoing dedication and commitment to the mission, vision, and core values of the College of Pharmacy. Gloria J. Crawford , secretary, joined the college in September 1987. As the college’s longest- serving member, Crawford—or Ms. Gloria, as she is affectionately known—has a deep love for the college and has great affection for the students, faculty and staff members, and administrators with whom she has created deep bonds of friendship. Crawford, who is married with three children and eight grandchildren, has served under the leadership of four deans and is excited to play an important role in the continued growth and success of the college. She also is active in her community and in church activities. (Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus) Years 25 Appu Rathinavelu , Ph.D., professor of pharmaceutical sciences, associate dean of institutional planning and development, and executive director of the NSU Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research, is a Fulbright scholar and cancer researcher. Rathinavelu holds a U.S. patent and four international patents for the discovery of a small organic molecule called JFD, which is antiangiogenic, meaning it starves tumors and other cancer cells by preventing blood flow that supplies the tumors with oxygen and nutrients. He also holds a U.S. patent for discovering a molecule called F16, which is more potent and is specifically designed to combat breast cancer and glioblastoma—an aggressive form of brain cancer. An author of more than 40 peer-reviewed research articles, he has served on the editorial board of several scientific journals and committees. In his spare time, Rathinavelu enjoys traveling, golfing, playing tennis, watching movies, and cooking. (Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus) Employee Milestones College Pride