Sharks Rx Spring 2018 | NSU College of Pharmacy

Not surprisingly, the faculty is helping the students meet those goals every step of the way. “It took a couple of days until we as a faculty figured out how to take over the semester,” Ortiz said. “We divided the material, and we set a plan to be able to finish the semester even if we didn’t have access to the lectures from the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus.” Students have had to reconfigure their lifestyles in order to complete the semester, but the faculty members are also trying to figure out how to move forward. “It’s the same for us. We have to prepare courses that we normally don’t teach,” Nieves said. “We are all students to some extent.” Faculty members and students were provided copies of the lectures on thumb drives flown to the island on a charter plane provided by the Drs. Kiran & Pallavi Patel Family Foundation, which also delivered basic supplies to the campus. The university provided hot lunches to students daily for weeks after the campus opened post- hurricane, which was often their only hot meal of the day. “Every day, we were provided water and snacks, and we’re really thankful for that,” Tarraza Santos said. Knowing what he has at stake from firsthand experience, Tarraza Santos remains grateful for all the opportunities he has earned. “I have grown so much in all terms,” he said. “It’s really good to focus on the academics, but also if you have the chance to grow yourself in different areas—for example, the extracurricular activities or the internships—there are a lot of opportunities for students. If you use those opportunities, you grow as a professional and as a student.” To provide assistance to students and faculty members at the Puerto Rico Regional Campus still dealing with Hurricane Maria’s impacts, contact Shannon Brown, HPD senior director of development, at or at (954) 529-6776. Faculty members and students at the Puerto Rico Regional Campus after Hurricane Maria #PRStrong “Shift your focus from passing the class to learning the material.” —Rochelle Nappi, Ed.D.