SHARKS RX Spring 2017 Magazine

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY College of Pharmacy 32 33 Employee Milestones Years 20 Dawn DaCosta , M.A., director of academic support services, provides leadership and support to the college and coordinates activities to achieve the college’s mission and strategic plan. She received her M.A. in College Student Administration from NSU. Originally from Jamaica, she is responsible for developing and implementing professional program schedules and initiatives, as well as advising and providing academic data for the college. DaCosta works closely with the college’s dean to ensure that professional program services adhere to the college’s mission, policies, and procedures. In addition to her administrative role, DaCosta teaches the elective course Leadership Engagement and Development. (Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus) Leanne Lai , Ph.D., professor of sociobehavioral and administrative pharmacy, is committed to advancing pharmacy education, both institutionally and internationally. She received her Ph.D. in Pharmacoeconomics in 1996 from the University of Maryland and specializes in pharmacoecononics, outcome research, biostatistics, and international education. During her 20-year career with the college as a statistical researcher and collaborator, she has authored hundreds of publications and presentations. In 2002, she cofounded the International Pharmacy Program and served as program director for 10 years before returning to full-time teaching. Lai, who is a native of Taiwan, has developed numerous collaborative research and educational projects with leading institutions of higher learning in Latin America, Asia, and Europe. (Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus) Years 25 Each year, NSU recognizes employees who have reached milestone years of service. This year, the college is proud to celebrate the following employees who have contributed to growth through their ongoing dedication and commitment to the mission, vision, and core values of the College of Pharmacy. William D. Hardigan , Ph.D., dean emeritus and professor of pharmaceutical sciences, served as dean of the College of Pharmacy from 1991 through 2004. Hardigan received his B.S. in Pharmacy and M.S. in Business Administration from the University of Wyoming before earning his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Arizona. Throughout his distinguished career, Hardigan served as a U.S. Army Wardmaster and as a faculty member at both the University of Wyoming and the University of Arizona. Before becoming a dean at Southeastern University of the Health Sciences—now Nova Southeastern University—he was associate dean at Ferris State University College of Pharmacy in Big Rapids, Michigan. Among his many accolades, Hardigan has three patents with Dow Corning Corporation, designed and opened NSU’s Clinic Pharmacy, extended the Pharm.D. degree to distant sites and campuses, contracted with the South Florida Mental Health Hospital to provide in-house pharmacy services to the hospital, and initiated the Advanced Standing Pharm.D. Program for international pharmacists. He currently teaches two elective courses—History of Pharmacy and Pharmacoethics—and continues to contribute his expertise to the college’s faculty members and students. “Operating the family is like running a college,” Hardigan said. “I owe any success at NSU to the outstanding students, faculty and staff members, and administrators of the college at that time.” He has been married to his wife, Janet, for 58 years and has 8 children—3 of whom are pharmacists—24 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren. (Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus) Hardigan family