SHARKS RX Spring 2017 Magazine

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY College of Pharmacy 30 31 College Pride Publications and Presentations July–December 2016 Lillian Arce , Pharm.D. (’01), assistant professor of pharmacy practice, and Pharm.D. students Daibelis Leon Amaro (’17) and Lesley Arcelay Feliciano (’17), had their coauthored article, “Use of Medicines and Home Remedies in the Dental Care of Our Children,” published in the October 15 edition of My Pediatrician . She also presented a poster with Georgina Silva-Suarez , Ph.D., and Silvia Rabionet , Ph.D., who are both associate professors of sociobehavioral and administrative pharmacy. The presentation, “Advanced Practice with HIV Population: Integrating Medication Therapy Management, Research, and Sociobehavioral Skills,” took place at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo held October 29–November 2 in Denver, Colorado. Paul R. DeMuro , Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A., coauthored the chapter, “Health Information Technology,” in the 2016 Substitute Text to E-Health, Privacy, and Security Law, 3rd Edition . He also served as a panelist on the “Protecting Patient Privacy in Cyber Environments” seminar at the 2016 American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium held November 14 in Chicago, Illinois. Peter Gannett , Ph.D., associate dean of research and graduate education, presented the paper, “Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 by Buckminsterfullerene,” at the 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposi- tion held August 21–25 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Genevieve Hale , Pharm.D., BCPS (’13), assistant professor of pharmacy practice, coauthored the article, “Treatment of Adults with Idiopathic Recurrent Pericarditis: Novel Use of Immunotherapy,” which was published in the February 2017 issue of Pharmacotherapy . She was also appointed as chair of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Cardiology Practice Research Network Student and Resident Committee. Anastasios Lymperopoulos , Ph.D., FAHA, FESC, associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences, had his coauthored research article, “The Beta1-Adrenoceptor Arg389Gly Polymorphism Confers Differential Beta-Arrestin Binding Tropism in Cardiac Myocytes,” published in the September 19 online issue of Pharmacogenomics . Lymperopoulos coauthored the article with Genevieve M. Hale , Pharm.D., BCPS (’13), assistant professor of pharmacy practice, and Pharm.D. student Katie A. McCrink (’18). He also coauthored a research project with McCrink and Ava Brill , Pharm.D. (’16), “Beta-Arrestin-2 Stimulates Cardiac Function in Heart Failure Via SERCA2a Potentiation,” which the trio presented at the 2016 European Society of Cardiology Congress last August in Rome, Italy. Rochelle S. Nappi , Ed.D., director of student services, and Christopher Lynch , Pharm.D. (’97), presented the topic, “Leading a Multigenerational Workforce,” at the 2016 FSHP Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. Farima F. Raof , Pharm.D. (’17), had her article, “Book Smart or Heart Smart: What Type of Intelligence Is Your Strength?” published in the August issue of Florida Pharmacy Today . Mutasem Rawas-Qalaji , B.S.Pharm., Ph.D., associate profes- sor of pharmaceutical sciences and Director of the Center for Drug Discovery and Development (CD 3 ), and Ph.D. students Alhussain Aodah and Rawan Bafail published an original research article, “Formulation and Evaluation of Fast-Disintegrating Sublingual Tablets of Atropine Sulfate: The Effect of Tablet Dimensions and Drug Load on Tablet Characteristics,” in AAPS PharmSciTech . In addition, Rawas-Qalaji and Pharm.D. students Naima Jahan (’18) and Yana Vorontsova (’19) presented the poster, “Combination of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Techniques for the Fabrication of Epinephrine Nanocrystals,” during the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition held November 13–17 in Denver, Colorado. Elizabeth M. Sherman , Pharm.D. (’07), coauthored the article, “Pharmacist Engagement with a Hepatitis C Ambulatory Care Clinic in the Era of a Treatment Revolution,” which was published in the November–December issue of the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association . Devada Singh-Franco , Pharm.D., CDE, associate professor of pharmacy practice, and Pharm.D. students Marlene Calix (’16), Heather Jarvis (’16), David Leon (’17), and My-Oahn Nguyen (’17) presented the project, “Adopting Transitions of Care Within the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum,” in July at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy An- nual Meeting. She also served as the primary author of the paper, “An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy and Tolerability of Dipeptidyl Peptidase‚—4 Inhibitors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes with Moderate to Severe Chronic Kidney Disease,” in the July online issue of SAGE Open Medicine . William R. Wolowich , Pharm.D., assistant professor of pharmacy practice, and Pharm.D. student Leah Bensimon (’17) presented an abstract and invited platform presentation, “Nonlinear Mixed Effects Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacogenetic Model of Intravenously Administered Delta-9-Tetrahydro- cannibinol,” at the September American College of Clinical Pharmacology Annual Meeting in Bethesda, Maryland. Promotions Young Kwon , Ph.D., associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences Appu Rathinavelu , Ph.D., professor of pharmaceutical sciences New Faculty Members Yarelis Alvarado , Pharm.D., assistant professor of pharmacy practice Paul DeMuro , Ph.D., J.D., associate professor of sociobehavioral and administrative pharmacy Scott Kjelson , Pharm.D., CPh, director of student transitions/assistant professor of pharmacy practice Raquel Lozada Diaz , Pharm.D., clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice Shirin Madzhidova , Pharm.D., clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice Cynthia Moreau , Pharm.D., assistant professor of pharmacy practice David P. Nau , Ph.D., assistant dean of accreditation and assessment and professor of sociobehavioral and administrative pharmacy Georgina Silva-Suarez , Ph.D., assistant professor of sociobehavioral and administrative pharmacy Albert Wertheimer , Ph.D., professor of sociobehavioral and administrative pharmacy