SHARKS RX Spring 2016 Magazine

College of Pharmacy 7 HIV Cross-Cultural Education and Research Touches Lives By Gail Bulfin Imagine a professor whose whole focus is to prepare health professionals, pharmacists, and researchers to be better at what they do. Imagine how effective medical professionals could be if they could talk to patients in a manner that provided more honest information while, at the same time, making the patient feel more at ease. Nova Southeastern University has just such a professor whose mission is to prepare her students to be the most effective clinicians and researchers they can be: Silvia E. Rabionet, Ed.D., who serves as an associate professor in the College of Pharmacy (COP). Rabionet was born in Cuba, but spent most of her early and professional years in Puerto Rico. She received her bachelor’s degree from the elite Mount Holyoke College, which is one the prestigious Seven Sisters of liberal arts colleges for women. Her interests in psychology and (continued on next page) Silvia E. Rabionet, Ed.D., counsels a patient on medication adherence.