SHARKS RX Spring 2016 Magazine

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 32 Students at the college continue to enjoy the opportunity to travel with faculty members and study the practice of pharmacy in another country. Last June, 22 students were accompanied by Ana María Castejón, Ph.D., associate professor, and Elizabeth Shepherd, Pharm.D., M.B.A., assistant dean, as they studied for two weeks at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Under the tutelage of faculty members at Comenius University, students studied the Slovakian health care system, phytotherapy, herbal food supplements, herb-drug interactions, pharmacognosy, molecular modeling and drug policies, and legislation. In addition, students visited hospital and community pharmacies, botanical and medicinal gardens, wholesalers, and distribution centers and engaged with Slovak Students Benefit fromTravel-Study Opportunities pharmacists and students. The travel study concluded with visits to Vienna, Austria, and Florence and Rome, Italy. This life-changing experience helps students and faculty members appreciate the diversity of various health care systems and the opportunities it provides for collaboration and interprofessional exchange. While in Slovakia, Shepherd and Castejón provided lectures to students and faculty members at Comenius University on medication therapy management. This is the second year students have had the opportunity to travel and study with faculty members in Slovakia. In addition, over the past four years, students and faculty members from Comenius University in Bratislava have attended NSU COP and studied in the Pharm.D. program or participated in research with faculty members. Pharmacy News Left, students prepare to tour a health clinic in Bratislava with Elizabeth Shepherd, Pharm.D., M.B.A., assistant dean (fourth from right in blue shirt).