SHARKS RX Spring 2016 Magazine

College of Pharmacy 27 The College of Pharmacy (COP) is establishing the COP Sharks Rx Alumni Society. The society’s overall purpose is to help support the college through the knowledge, skills, financial resources, and participation of its alumni; communicate the college’s goals and achievements to others; and promote a spirit of unity and investing in the future of pharmacy education among alumni and friends. Alumni networks, whether they meet face to face, online, or through virtual communica- tions, are a critical link between alumni and the NSU COP, while providing opportunities for alumni to maintain an active role in the life of the college by • establishing and maintaining a closer connection between the college, alumni, and friends • advancing the interests and welfare of the college and its stakeholders • promoting alumni participation in the development and advancement of the institution through financial support • providing opportunities for alumni to network • engaging with the college in diverse and innovative ways The Sharks Rx Alumni Society will provide programs that attract a diverse group of alumni while maintaining a meaningful connection. The society will be established based on a variety of differ- ent factors, including • affinity with a specific program, such as the Medicinal Garden • professional industry • geographic concentration • entrepreneurship • innovation • stage of life (recent graduate or seasoned professional) For more information, or to discuss your interest in participating in this endeavor, please contact us at . We value your ongoing involvement in “Achieving Our Shared Legacy.” Alumni Society