SHARKS RX Spring 2016 Magazine

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 24 O n November 6, 2015, the college hosted its inaugural All Alumni Homecoming Reunion. Efforts were made to connect the more than 4,500 alumni worldwide and included identifying volunteers from each graduating class to act as class agents, who were charged with helping to recruit their colleagues for the reunion, as well as other college events. Because alumni were encouraged to bring guests, the event included many family members, friends of the college, and professional colleagues. Everyone enjoyed drinks and appetizers as they recon- nected with one another and with many of their favorite faculty members. Among the alumni present were David (Rick) Upsom, Pharm.D. (’93), who showed up with his 1993 student ID from Southeastern University of the Health Sciences. Also present were father-daughter alumni Steven Fass, Pharm.D. (’93), Jennifer (Fass) Gershman, Pharm.D. (’06), and Andrea (Fass) Levin, Pharm.D. (’09), who showcased how the college embraces family and con- tinues to provide education to multiple generations. The college’s dean, Lisa M. Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., provided a heartfelt message to the group, thanking alumni, faculty and staff members, administrators, and friends for making the college the success it is today and for participating in the “Achieving Our Shared Legacy” strategic process. Highlighting the college’s contribution to a transformative and innovative profession, Deziel challenged everyone to become more involved in moving the college toward its mission and strategic plan. NSU’s College of Pharmacy continues to be committed to establishing even more meaningful alumni outreach and connection. The fact that Isabelle Thony, Pharm.D. (’14), traveled three hours from Orlando, Florida, on a rainy Friday to attend was a tribute to the efforts made by both the college and its graduates to make the event successful. In addition, students in the Dean’s Ambassador Program, who are selected to represent the college at its events and are committed to the college’s success, were present to meet and greet alumni and participate in the reunion. Planning for this year’s All Alumni Homecoming Reunion, which will be held Friday, November 4, 2016, is already underway. Additional information will be posted on the college’s website and via email communications. For more information on alumni news and events, or to become a class agent, please visit or email . 2015 Alumni Homecoming Reunion—Lisa M. Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., dean, and David Rick Upsom, Pharm.D. (’93), (showing student ID card to Deziel) Shark Pride Homecoming Reunion