SHARKS RX Spring 2016 Magazine

College of Pharmacy 23 interested,” she explained. “The original intent in setting them up was to provide a way to engage alumni, especially those from the distance cam- puses. We can tell them, ‘Your donation isn’t going to get lost in the bigger pool; your donation goes specifically to the campus you graduated from.’ ” Specific Palm Beach scholarships can help in recruiting as well. While scholarships at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus serve a wide range of potential students, these funds will allow the college to tell applicants, “If you agree to go to the Palm Beach Campus, we can support your tuition in a better way than we can if you attend the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Cam- pus,” Deziel said. Moreover, boosting the Palm Beach endowed scholarships will help the college meet its goals in the university’s capital campaign, which was launched in January. Khanfar is intent on continuing to build the scholarships for Palm Beach. “The minimum for an endowment is $25,000, but the reality is that with $25,000, if you invest it at 2 or 3 percent, how much money are you going to get? It’s really not much,” he explained. “I want to build these funds to $50,000, and then to $1 million, $2 million, and $3 million. I just want to help our students.” “Your donation isn’t going to get lost in the bigger pool; your donation goes specifically to the campus you graduated from.” —Lisa M. Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., dean Visit us at Pictured (from left): Sarah E. Linn (’19); Nile M. Khanfar, Ph.D., assistant dean, Palm Beach Campus; Jane Clare Miller (’18); Mark Byrne (’19)