SHARKS RX Spring 2016 Magazine

College of Pharmacy 17 “The dean said, ‘Bring us what you see out there, and let’s see how our education can integrate with today’s real world,’” said Alfonso, who received his pharmacy degree from FAMU’s College of Pharmacy in 1986. “I’m an entre- preneur right out of the block, and I bring that knowledge to NSU, which is very willing to accept that. Dr. Deziel, especially, is willing to listen and act.” Alfonso is pleased with the diversity of experience of his fellow advisory board members, who work in community pharmacies (chains and independent), hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing and distribution, and business. He anticipates that the board’s next meeting will be a brainstorming session, with at least part of the discussion focusing on changes in the profession. “When I graduated from pharmacy school, pharmacists were a rare breed. You could get a job anywhere because there was high demand,” he explained. “Since then, more universities are producing more pharmacists who are seeking not just employment, but expanding their role in the medical world.” Dean’s Advisory Board Meeting L to R: James L. Dettore, M.B.A., chairman and chief executive officer, Brand Institute, Inc. | Reinaldo Santamarta, B.B.A., CEO, Unipharma, LLC | Anthony Alfonso, R.Ph., M.B.A. (’95), chair, Dean’s Advisory Board | Hugo Pérez, B.S., managing director, United Data Technologies, Inc. | Lisa M. Deziel, Pharm.D., Ph.D., dean | Patrick Hawthorne, R.Ph. (’94) | Taeho Oh, R.Ph., M.S., vice president and director of pharmacy, chief pharmacy officer, US Rx Care and Health Care Consultant | Gerald W. B. Weber, B.Sc., president and chief executive officer, Saladarity | Jim Springer, B.S., regional vice president, Rx Ownership, McKesson Corporation | Deborah Brown, Pharm.D. (’00), president, Pharmacy Consulting LLC Not Shown: Richard Ashworth, Pharm.D. (’99), president, Pharmacy and Retail Operations, Walgreens | Armando Bardisa, Pharm.D. (’97), owner/CEO, South Miami Pharmacy | Geronimo Dimitreto, owner, CEO/president, Algae to Omega Holdings, Inc. | Jesús Gil, owner, Pharmaceutical Corp., Puerto Rico | Michael Kaplan, Pharm.D. (’99), president, Medic Pharmacy | Raúl Rodríguez-Font, CPA, president, Drogueria Betances/LGI, Puerto Rico | Albert García, R.Ph., M.S.H.L. (’06)