Sharks RX Spring 2015 Magazine

14 r NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Fred Lippman, R.Ph. , Ed.D., chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division, has been appointed to the advisory board of Florida TaxWatch’s Center for Florida Citizenship (CFC). Lippman also serves as a board member of Florida TaxWatch. The advisory board is composed of business and community leaders with knowledge and experience to provide Florida Tax- Watch’s expert staff with ideas and guidance in doing CFC research and policy formulation. “Through his involvement with the Center for Florida Citi- zenship, Dr. Lippman will have an opportunity to use his knowl- edge and experience to bring about meaningful changes in the way Floridians engage and communicate with government officials,” said Dominic M. Calabro, president and CEO of Florida TaxWatch. Florida TaxWatch is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institute widely recognized as the watchdog of citizens’ tax dollars for more than 33 years. As chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division, Lippman is responsible for overseeing seven colleges—dental medicine, health care sciences, medical sciences, nursing, optometry, osteo- pathic medicine, and pharmacy. Lippman joined the Southeastern University College of Pharmacy in 1987 as vice president for pharmaceutical affairs. In 1989, he was promoted to vice president for external affairs for Southeastern University of the Health Sciences, which merged with Nova University in 1994 to create NSU. He was appointed chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division in 2004. Prior to his career in academia, Lippman served as a community pharmacist for more than 20 years. He has been widely recognized by academic and health care societies and has held important leadership positions in professional organizations. Lippman served as a member of the Florida House of Repre- sentatives from 1978 to 1998 and was widely respected for championing legislation to protect children and senior citizens and to improve Florida’s health care system. Lippman received his degree in pharmaceutical sciences at Columbia University College of Pharmacy and holds a doc- torate in higher education administration from NSU. n Welcome to the inau- gural edition of the NSU College of Pharmacy mag- azine, NSU Sharks Rx . As a pharmacist and a founding member of the college, I have a special affin- ity for the College of Phar- macy and have enjoyed being a part of its success. We have achieved a great deal since our first entering class in 1987, and this magazine will provide a mechanism to inform you of all of the wonderful things being accomplished by our students, faculty and staff members, and alumni! NSU’s Vision 2020 and the bright future it predicts for our university is becoming a reality. Construction is underway on the Center for Collaborative Research, a 215,000-square-foot facility that will help us meet our goals of being recognized on a national and global level as a highly productive research uni- versity. This building not only represents NSU’s commitment to research, but is on the cusp of what the future holds. The progress does not stop with the construction of the Center for Collaborative Research on NSU’s Davie campus. Construction also is underway on what we expect will eventually become a hospital complex run by Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) East Florida in the neighboring University Park Plaza. The first step is an emergency room that is scheduled to open this summer. This footprint shall be the predecessor of a new, 200-bed hospital at NSU, opening the doors to research collaboration and teaching opportunities for our students and faculty members. These projects illustrate NSU’s progress toward becoming a nationally recognized and preeminent institution of research and higher learning. And, of course, this will only make your degree and your alumni base stronger. None of this could have become a reality without support from our alumni and friends. The NSU family continues to be the core of our university. Frederick Lippman, R.Ph. , Ed.D. Chancellor, Health Professions Division HPD News Message from the Chancellor HPD CHANCELLOR APPOINTED TO FLORIDA TAXWATCH ADVISORY BOARD