College of Pharmacy - Graduate Brochure

Nova Southeastern University | 25 Pharmacy General Access Fee—$145 . This fee is required annually. NSU Student Services Fee—$1,800 . This fee is required annually. Late Payment Fee—$100 . All tuition and fees not paid within 30 days after the start of the semester will incur a late payment fee. College of Pharmacy Fees —There are additional fees for certification training, pharmacy testing, and other college-approved activities. These fees are estimated at $1,000 over the course of the program. The first semester’s tuition and fees, less the $1,000 deposit, are due prior to the start of the semester. Tuition and fees for each subsequent semester are due on or before the start of each semester. INSURANCE Professional Insurance All registered NSU College of Pharmacy students are covered under university liability insurance while on official university experiences and activities. Student Health Insurance All students are required to maintain adequate health insurance. NSU will automatically enroll you in the Nova Southeastern University Student Medical Insurance Plan and charge your student account. If you are insured under another insurance plan, you will be required to complete an online waiver form. For more information, visit the insurance website at EXPENSES AND FINANCIAL AID Plans for financing education should include tuition, fees, living expenses, iPads and computer-related expenses, printing, health insurance, books and supplies, and additional miscellaneous expenses. The Office of Student Financial Assistance helps as many qualified students as possible. Loans, scholarships, and grants are available. Approximately 90 percent of College of Pharmacy students receive some form of financial assistance. These financial assistance programs are described on our website at . For information, contact Nova Southeastern University Office of Student Financial Assistance 3301 College Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-3380 or 800-806-3680