CHCS Perspectives Summer/Fall 2013

PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER-FALL 2013 – Page 8 to prepare students for their clinical rotations and fieldwork experiences. Alison Herman, M.P.H., clinical direc- tor, and Jonathon May partnered using case studies, research on profes- sionalism and current trends, multime- dia, and interactive scenarios to invite students to consider what it means to be professional as a professional. The seventh GPS workshop of the year focused on the differences across generations and was entitled “Bridg- ing the Generational Gaps.” Sonia Kay, Ph.D., professor of occu- pational therapy, led the session based on her recent research on the topic. Many times, students en- counter challenges during their clini- cal rotations and fieldwork experiences as a result of differing expectations and norms between themselves and those from other gen- erations who are supervising them. Faculty members and students can also experience these challenges in the classroom. The session was at- tended by both faculty members and students, with both audiences experi- encing aha moments during the session. The 2012-13 GPS Series wrapped up the year with “Find a Job…Find Your Fit” led by staff members from the Office of Career Development. Students learned about the multiple factors that lead to a successful job fit, including location, organization size, organizational culture, salary, benefits, job flexibility, daily responsi- bilities, and job scope. By the ses- sion’s end, participants had ranked their factors and were prepared to focus on the aspects of their job search that are most important to them. The College of Health Care Sci- ences’ Student Government Associa- tion and Office of Student Affairs have partnered with the Office of Career Development to host weekly career coaching sessions for all Health Professions Division students. Students were introduced to this serv- ice at the end of the workshop, and many shared that they plan to take advantage of the opportunity. The 2013-14 Graduate Profes- sional Success Series kicked off on June 20 with “Making the Grade: Test Taking and Study Skills in the Health Professions.” As we continue to offer these professional development workshops to students here at the Fort Laud- erdale campus and at all the regional campuses, expect to see even more innovative programs in the future that address CHCS students’ needs and promote student success,” May stated. All GPS attendees enjoy a free lunch at every session. “New Year, New Stress, New You” presenters Drs. Edye Groseclose and Douglas Flemons at the January GPS event. ...GPS Series “...CHCS students as well as faculty and staff members from Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and Fort Myers attended workshops together to improve their academic and professional capacities.”