CHCS Perspectives Summer/Fall 2013

O n April 26, the Cardiovascular Sonography Program held its second annual CME event for cardiac and vascular sonographers at the Tampa Campus. Eleven speakers provided 15 different educational opportunities in 7 different sessions. Three of the sessions were combined meet- ings where the lecture covered a topic that was of interest to the sonography profession as a whole, while the other four sessions had multiple topics in ei- ther vascular or cardiac sonography the attendees could choose from. Nationally recognized experts in vascular sonography flew into Tampa to present at the event: They were: Phil Bendick, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JDMS) ; Terry Needham, RVT, director of the Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound course at Wake Forest University; and Michelle Bierig, M.P.H., director of noninvasive testing and cardiology qual- ity at Saint Anthony’s Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri. In addition, David Martin, a scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration (NASA), gave a presentation via teleconference on NASA’s use of echocardiography to study the effects of microgravity on the human body. Session speakers also included three of the Cardiovascular Sonography Pro- gram’s assistant professors: Cathie Scholl, M.H.S., Bruce Martin, M.H.S., and Stan Timofeev, M.H.S. The CHCS’ vascular medical director, Murray Shames, M.D., pre- sented a session on the latest trends in endovascular repairs, and renowned Tampa-area cardiologist Arzu Ilercil, M.D., discussed cardiac diagnosis via ultrasound and subsequent treatment strategies. In a wonderful exam- ple of cross-program cooperation, NSU Tampa’s own Tim Miller, D.P.T., and Kathleen Rockefeller, D.P.T., of the Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program, provided an excellent educational session on patient transfers and proper ergonomics. Attendance was maxed out with 106 registered attendees, plus vendors. The program received financial support from Philips Medical, Unetixs Vas- cular, and Parks Medical Equipment. Philips Medical brought two of its latest sonography imaging machines for demonstration throughout the day and for use during one of the sessions. Unetixs Corporation was in atten- dance all day as well with demonstrations. Francine Leonard, B.A., administrative coordinator, handled all the reg- istration duties and post-meeting documentation, while program director Sam Yoders, M.H.S., and assistant professors Cathie Scholl, M.H.S., Bruce Martin, M.H.S., and Leif Penrose, M.H.S., acted as meeting moderators. PERSPECTIVES • SUMMER-FALL 2013 – Page 25 • Attendees earned up to seven possible CME credits for only $70. • Four sessions were available where participants had hands-on or interactive participation. • The lunchtime talk was provided by Michelle Bierig, M.H.S., who is the current chair of the American Society of Echocardiography Committee on Accreditation for Advanced Cardiovascular Sonography. She discussed the “History and Future of Advanced Practice Cardiovascular Sonography.” • Four contacts made as a result of this event have resulted in clinical affiliation agreements for placement of NSU cardiovascular students. • The event served to advance NSU and the Tampa Cardiovascular Sonography Program within the professional sonography community as a premier provider of educational opportunities. • A number of comments suggested the program should be expanded to a two-day event. • Great reviews were received on all attendee evaluations. CARDIOVASCULAR SONOGRAPHY Tampa SPRING CME EVENT By Sam Yoders, M.H.S., Program Director, Cardiovascular Sonography – Tampa CME event highlights included the following: